A Columbus Ohio dentist preparing dental implantsThanks to dental implants, people with missing teeth can maintain a natural-looking, healthy smile without the inconvenience or discomfort of dental appliances like traditional dentures, partials or bridges. But most people know little about implants and how they work. Others wonder, “Are implants right for me?”

Thanks to modern dentistry, your South High Dental team offers a range of natural-looking restorations and tooth replacement methods. Among these methods are dental implants Columbus Ohio provides. Talk to your dentist at South High Dental about your treatment plan and whether implants offer a good option for smile restoration. Another great way to help your smile look its best is through the dental braces Columbus Ohio provides as well.

About Dental Implants

Whether you seek dental implants Columbus Ohio offers, you benefit from the most advanced methods for tooth replacement in generations. Only in the past 25 years have dental implants become a good option for most people. Today’s materials and dental methods the orthodontics services Columbus Ohio provides will give you a lasting smile and bite that looks and functions naturally.

So what are the dental implants Columbus Ohio provides? These replacement teeth are actually tooth root replacements. The titanium metal implant secures into your jawbone just like a natural root. But no one sees this metal, as a tooth-like crown covers it. Some implants involve the use of multiple false teeth through bridgework or dentures.

The titanium used for your implant is strong, lightweight and compatible with your bones. This means your body accepts the metal, instead of rejecting it. It is the same metal used for other joint and bone surgeries throughout the human body. But implants have a higher rate of success when compared to all other bone surgeries.

Your implant fuses to your bone in a biological process over a period of time. This gives your jaw bone and the implant greater stability while preventing additional bone loss. Because the fusing implant stabilizes your jaw bone, it also supports your facial tissues better. This gives you more youthful looking gums, cheeks, and lips when compared to those of people with missing teeth.

The best part of the dental implants Columbus Ohio offers is that no one needs to know you have them. In fact, they look totally natural. Only you and your dentist know about your dental work, while you keep eating, chewing, talking and smiling as you did with natural teeth in place.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

People with missing teeth generally make good candidates for implants. But you possibly need some time and other procedures before your oral surgeon places your implant and its crown. However, if you suffer some diseases or health problems like uncontrolled diabetes, advanced periodontitis or cancer, implants may not work for you. Smokers and people with substance use disorders do not make good candidates, either.

Knowing whether dental implants Columbus Ohio suit your needs comes down to visiting the South High Dental office. Talk to your dentist about your smile restoration needs and interest in implants. But be honest about all of the prescribed, over-the-counter and illicit drugs you use, including herbal supplements. Through an exam, X-rays and other consultation, your dentist helps you understand if you make a good candidate for implants.

Dental Implants, Braces and Other Smile Improvements at South High Dental

In Columbus, OH, South High Dental provides the dental services you need for your best looking and most complete smile. These dental services for adults and children include:

Maintaining a healthy, attractive smile is important for your self-esteem and overall physical health. To complete your smile with dental implants and keep it looking its best, schedule your first visit with South High Dental at 614-363-2462.